Yoshi's Island Warp Zones

  1. Yoshi's Island Warp Zones 2017
  2. Yoshi's Island Online
  3. Yoshi's Island Music
  4. Yoshi's Island Warp Zones List
  5. Yoshi Island Flash
This is an any% TAS of Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island on SNES. Yoshi's Island is a fantastic, action-packed platformer with incredible potential for flashy gameplay and cool tricks. It improves the previous run by Spezzafer by 18986 frames (5 minutes and 16.4 seconds). This is accomplished through large number of new techniques and optimizations.

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island is a 1995 platform game developed and published by Nintendo for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. To reunite baby Mario with his brother Luigi, who has been kidnapped by Kamek, the player controls Yoshi, a friendly dinosaur, through 48.

The goals of this run were fastest completion without the use of the 'left+right' glitch, which warps directly to the final level as done in the 'glitched' run by Nxcy. Instead, this run completes all of the game's standard 48 levels, ignoring 100% objectives such as red coins, flowers, and stars. As with Spezzafer's run, warps to 1-1 are used -- in this case during a total of four levels.

A method of faster movement which is employed in Nxcy’s “glitched” run called 1/1 running is not used (alternating pushing left and right every frame after a desirable speed oscillation is reached). This choice was made for the sake of creating a more entertaining run, as 1/1 running prevents egg and enemy juggling, among other things.

Beyond all the awesome speed tricks, the most important reason for doing this run was simply to showcase the entertainment value the game has to offer. It is full of egg juggling and ricocheting, tongues flying, and enemy-spitting madness, and in that vein, in areas where there was a choice between full speed and entertainment, I almost always chose entertainment.

The emulator used was: snes9x 1.43 v17

Game Objectives:

  • Aims for fastest time
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Manipulates luck
  • Contains speed/entertainment tradeoffs
  • Juggles as many eggs as possible

Tricks & Improvements:

Many, many, many new tricks have been discovered since Spezzafer’s old run, or old tricks used in new ways to save time. Almost none of these were discovered by me.
A method for consistently walljumping was only recently discovered, allowing entirely new routes and skips otherwise impossible to perform. Other twists to this involve the “wall spit,” where an enemy is spit into the wall, and which can then be bounced on by Yoshi.
Arrow Teleporting
Jumping and eating an arrow lift at the same time causes Yoshi to be able to teleport to wherever you spit the arrow. This is much faster than riding it.
More 1-1 Warps
This run contains 3 additional 1-1 warps: one in 2-4, one in 3-1, and one in 4-7.
Pipe Jumping
Jumping and going down a pipe at the same time decreases screen transition time. It also causes minor warps to adjacent screens in certain areas (2-8).
'One-way' gates can be opened backwards by firing an upward egg on the right frame.
Shell Invulnerability
Yoshi is unable to take certain types of damage after bouncing on a shell, which is used to run through spikes in 4-8.
Sprite Overload
Certain obstacles can be despawned when the sprite limit is reached, allowing new routes to be used.
Run-Speed Optimizations
Yoshi’s run speed was constantly monitored to prevent slowdowns, as well other optimizations such as increasing Yoshi’s average speed from 760 to 767 by jumping off of slopes. Additionally, tonguing a wall is a faster method of slowing down.
Route Optimizations
The routes in various levels have been refined extensively to save time.
New Boss Strategies
Many new boss-related strategies have developed over the years. For example, Sluggy is killed with single egg shots, the final baby bowser and bowser fights have been furthered optimized, among other changes.
The 'Baxter' Shot
Discovered by the TASer Baxter, tonguing an egg just right to fling it over the goal ring to the next Yoshi results in the next Yoshi picking up the egg. Can be done with multiple eggs, creating a Double Baxter, Triple Baxter, etc. This doesn't actually save time, but who cares? It's AWESOME!

A more full and detailed list of all tricks and glitches and where they are used will be included in the level-by-level commentary.


Individual Level Comments:

tl;dr Version

1-1: I juggled some eggs.
1-5: I juggled some eggs to a tune.
2-1: I played 1-1 again so I could juggle eggs there.
3-3: I juggled monkeys because eggs were getting old.
4-1: I just threw shit everywhere.
5-6: I juggled chickens.
6-8: Instead of tonguing eggs, I decided to tongue Bowser instead.

Detailed Version

1-1: Bouncing off of a shyguy and then doing a first-frame jump off of the rotating platforms lets Yoshi retain the boosted flutter you get from bouncing on an enemy, and thus skip part of the level. Normally you only receive the boosted flutter if you use the flutter before landing -- this trick is used multiple times throughout the run. I was incredibly happy to have juggled two eggs here into a Double Baxter (See Tricks section) -- I had no idea what was to come.
1-2: Spitting the flower enemy into the wall on the right frame let's Yoshi both bounce off of him, and get an enemy-boosted flutter to boot. Running across the top then skips a long room comprising a good chunk of the level.
1-3: The pipe jump glitch is performed at the start of this level. Jumping and going down a pipe on the same frame saves 29 frames of screen transition time. Later in the level, tonguing the walls immediately sets Yoshi's speed to 0, allowing him to turn around much quicker when changing directions. Both of these tricks are used throughout the run.
1-4: The pot with the key in it can be broken much quicker if hit offscreen with an egg. Additionally, having Yoshi face away from the pot causes the key to fly to Yoshi.
1-5: A forced autoscroll in which Yoshi play along with the music. Juggling 4 eggs across the rotating platform was, at this point, the hardest thing I had done in the run. Getting a Triple Baxter just after (See Tricks section) became the new hardest thing, and required a lot of setup.
1-6: Walljumps are used both to skip the vertical-scrolling platform, and again at the end of the level to skip the beanstalk.
1-7: A straightforward level with no new tricks, so I will mention two standard ones. The first slope in every level is immediately jumped off of on a particular frame to raise Yoshi's speed from 760 to 767. Additionally, the bottom of the goal ring is hit in every level, causing Baby Mario to be caught sooner by the next Yoshi, saving 5 frames.
1-8: A better optimized damage-boost off the spiked platform into a faster pot-breaking section and a tighter boss fight bring world 1 to a total improvement of 1839 frames.

2-1: A 1-1 warp is performed using the same pipe jump glitch as the start of 1-3. Due to the way this level is coded, it results in the game not knowing where to send Yoshi, so he goes to coordinates (0,0) -- the top left corner -- of the default level, 1-1. Completing 1-1 is substantially faster than playing out the rest of 2-1 (on the order of 45 seconds).
2-2: A very technical level. A combination of multiple wall jumps, wall spits, and first-frame jumps to retain boosted flutters skips a good portion of the early level.
2-3: What does gusty taste like? You tell me, Nintendo.
2-4: Gatehacking makes an appearance near the beginning of this level. The upward-aimed egg ricochets into the gate and opens it from behind, opening up a faster route. Another 1-1 warp in this level is performed by running along the top of the ghost into the pipe. Shooting eggs at the ghosts prevents them from stopping to do an animation to get them to the pipe faster. The 1-1 warp skips the boss entirely.
2-5: A straightforward but action-packed level.
2-6: A straightforward and less action-packed level.
2-7: When enough sprites appear on the screen, the bullet bill launchers do not spawn. This prevents the need to ground pound the posts to access the next area. The sprites were manipulated by throwing a big egg, which turns all enemies into stars. Stars tend to result in the easiest despawns.
2-8: A first-frame jump on the vertical platforms lets Yoshi jump much higher than normal, skipping the middle ring without having to flutter slowly under it. A pipe jump causes Yoshi to warp to the adjacent room in the next area. Towards the end of the level, arrow teleporting is employed multiple times to avoid waiting for the arrow to rise. Yoshi must be underneath the arrow after spitting it out to teleport. Additionally, Yoshi cannot be too far offscreen or else the arrow despawns. Finally, wall-jumps are used to go over the ghost-pot boss and push him off without the shyguys fighting against you. Overall, world 2 completes 5006 frames ahead of the old run.

3-1: The third 1-1 warp is performed by fluttering over the normal screen transition trigger and landing on it from above.
3-2: The screen scrolling is manipulated in the rotating platform section to cause the pink platform to appear optimally. Then, several wall-jumps and a wall-spit are used to avoid taking the staircase.
3-3: A wall-jump is used after the submarine section to avoid waiting for the platforms to rise.
3-4: Targeting the exact right spot on the uvula reduces the number of hits needed to kill the boss to 6.
3-5: Throwin' a monkey onto the spikes and bouncing off of him... oh yeah!
3-6: The rat is spit so that he can be bounced on for a retained boosted flutter, into a walljump, opening up a faster route.
3-7: For some reason, spitting shyguys into the fake rolling flowers causes a lot of exploding stars.
3-8: Many enemies can be manipulated as they're first coming on screen. The big ghosts in this level can be dealt with in only one egg if they are hit off-screen. Same with the boss. One 'Oh my!' later, and we're 6283 frames ahead.

4-1: So many enemies to play with at the beginning! The end of the level is broken with walljumps, allowing super baby mario to be skipped altogether.
4-2: Shells are very interesting. You can bounce around on them like a boss, a trick fondly known as 'Shell Surfing.'
4-3: You can also bounce on them, eat them, throw them, re-bounce on them, eat them again, etc.
4-4: A walljump against the right wall is used because walljumps tend not to work on the lower sections of a ledge, which was the case with the left wall. The room with all of the blocks to break is kind of tricky, because it contains a few red coins along the top walls. All of those ricocheting eggs need to avoid the red coins, as red coins cost extra time to tally at the end of a level. More walljumps and an arrow teleport speed up the remaining rooms, leaving just the boss, Marching Milde, who was split into oblivion slightly faster due to more optimized egg shots and ground pounds.
4-5: Psh, who pushes a rock all the way through a level...
4-6: Back to shells: you can also spit them out and use them as platforms as they ricochet back at you.
4-7: The final 1-1 warp is achieved by holding left after bouncing on the up-arrow. Also, red glitchy chickens. Everywhere.
4-8: And lastly, while shell surfing, Yoshi cannot be damaged by the spike balls at the start of this level, allowing him to pass through them quicker. Additionally, jumping at certain spots underneath the spike balls causes Yoshi to be ejected forward, briefly traveling faster than max speed. After juggling a few eggs and pounding Hookbill the Koopa's underbelly, Yoshi blasts off 7417 frames ahead. The blast-off glitch is performed by ground-pounding Hookbill before he lands after the final egg shot. I found a neat version of this glitch where the blast-off animation is repeated several times.

Yoshi's Island Warp Zones 2017

5-1: Riding the cloud at the start lets you skip the slow vertical climbing sections. A not so obvious trick just after involves using first-frame jumps to not let the screen scroll. Normally, during the falling rock section, one of the rocks obstructs your path for a moment. If you prevent the screen from scrolling, the rock does not spawn until later, letting you pass under it without slowing down.
5-2: Normally, ski lifts and snowballs are skipped by bouncing on penguins. Walljumps made this process even quicker.
5-3: A new route at the beginning lets Yoshi run on top of the level. The ski section was more highly optimized than the previous run -- getting hit was actually the fastest strategy I could come up with for that part, as Yoshi seems to travel up-hill faster while spinning after taking a hit.
5-4: The beginning stairs are skipped with yet another retained boosted flutter. The reason for not letting the screen scroll after the second staircase is to skip an otherwise mandatory middle ring, which has a long animation. A walljump near the end prevents the need to wait for slow bats, and again using screen scrolling manipulation, Sluggy is hit with single egg shots. The eggs can pass through his body while he's off screen, so he can be hit with a single egg if you fire it off-screen and then scroll the screen back when the egg is over his heart.
5-5: I love the beginning of this level -- so any enemies to play with, like in 4-1.
5-6: My new biggest juggling record: 5 eggs. It was incredibly difficult to find the time to spit a Lakitu projectile at the pirahna without interrupting the juggle. Also, boomerang chickens of doom. After the autoscroll, screen scrolling is manipulated just right to jump into a spinning spike platform without taking damage, knocking Yoshi upwards much faster than simply jumping. Unfortunately this all has to happen off screen.
5-7: Running along horizontal-moving platforms gives Yoshi a speed boost. This is employed numerous times during this level, along with more walljumps to skip vertical scrolling platforms.
5-8: More arrow teleporting speeds up an otherwise really slow section. For Raphael, his movement patterns can be manipulated based on when Yoshi crosses certain quadrants on the world, and how he moves inside those quadrants. Running at him and jumping over him at just the right time causes him to start moving sooner, which means wooden posts smashed into his backside even quicker, finishing up world 5 with 9249 frames of total improvement.

Yoshi's Island Online

6-1: The only way to repeatedly jump backwards without losing speed is to use the inputs left, right, right, left as Yoshi lands.
6-2: Super Baby Mario can walljump much easier than Yoshi due to his increased running speed. Additionally, his parachute can be pulled out for a few frames without losing any speed, letting him hover a bit.
6-3: The spinning logs always eject Yoshi a little bit backwards. Tonguing the wall prevents as much speed loss as possible in the beginning. If there is nothing to tongue, landing on the left-most side of the logs minimizes speed loss. Juggling 4 eggs while running at full speed and dodging fuzzies was quite a challenging feat.
6-4: The second slime boss is avoided altogether by walljumping and fluttering over the stone wall blocking the exit pipe.
6-5: Back in 1-5 I thought 4 was the limit. Through extensive planning of egg-trajectories, a 6-egg juggle was performed for as long as possible until the path forward became too narrow. The autoscroll trigger for the second half of the level is skipped through use of first-frame jumps.
6-6: The key is tongued through the wall by triggering the wall-tongue animation on a first-frame jump. This locks Yoshi's tongue in an outward position without setting his speed to 0 like normal when you tongue a wall. The tongue is then free to travel through the wall and grab the key. At the end of the level (in other words, 10 seconds later), some tricky fluttering allows Yoshi to gain maximal height and skip the rest of what is otherwise a giant level.
6-7: At the area with multiple rotating platforms, stopping to look up is actually faster, as it scrolls the screen more quickly, which spawns the next set of rotating platforms quicker. Yoshi has to wait for the next set anyway, so this actually saves time. The large slow-moving platform section is skipped with some wall-jumping action, and I was really pleased to get a full-speed Triple Baxter at the end of the level.
6-8: Baby Bowser can be ground-pounded faster if Yoshi immediately bounces on his head once he becomes hittable. For the final bowser fight (awesome music, by the way), scrolling the screen by moving left and right manipulates where the eggs spawn. If Bowser is hit quickly enough, the second falling rock animation is skipped altogether. Yoshi plummets off screen with a grand total of 18986 frames improved over Spezzafer's old run.

Future Improvements

Yoshi's Island Music

As I was learning a lot about the game as the run progressed, there are a lot of improvements that could still be made. Running along platforms to get a speed boost was unknown to me during the first few worlds and only appears later in the run. Additionally, there are a few places where route choices could still be improved, such as using walljumps to avoid the other staircase in 4-4 or a gatehack using an enemy (a trick unknown to me at the time) in 6-7.


Simply put, this run would not exist without the help of the fabulous TASer Nxcy. He both got me into TASing, and helped every step on the way on this run. Whether it was helping me with route planning, or figuring out a tough trick, Nxcy put countless hours into making this run happen and deserves a huge thanks.

Spezzafer is responsible for a lot of the original work that went into this game, and deserves a large amount of thanks as well. His original run was one of the first I watched many years ago, and definitely contributed to my love for Yoshi's Island.

Countless other people helped as well, reviewing strategies and offering suggestions. I'd like to thank Trihex, for many awesome show-off ideas and for his great support; Baxter, for being an all-around awesome TASer; the Japanese speed runners and TASers who have worked on the game; and finally Cleru, Lee, and the rest of the #yoshi crew for feedback, and otherwise being awesome.

sgrunt: Replaced the submission file as requested here.DarkKobold: Accepting as an improvement to the published run.

Yoshi's Island Warp Zones List

This article is about the minigames in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. For the bonus areas in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, see Bonus Challenge (Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon).
Yellow Yoshi after flipping the Kamek card in the Bonus Challenge Flip Cards in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island.

Bonus Challenges are Bonus Games in Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, its remake, and Yoshi's Island DS. When a Yoshi reaches the goal roulette and the roulette lands on a flower, then a Bonus Challenge can be instantly played. In the original Yoshi's Island, a specific Bonus Challenge can also be unlocked and played anytime after getting 800 points in a world; in the later two games, they can be accessed after getting 700 points in a world.

The list of Bonus Challenges are below.

In Yoshi's Island and its remake, the Bonus Challenges available after getting a flower at the goal roulette depends on the world currently being played, as follows:

  • World 1: Flip Cards / Scratch and Match
  • World 2: Drawing Lots / Slot Machine
  • World 3: Match Cards / Roulette
  • World 4: Scratch and Match / Drawing Lots
  • World 5: Flip Cards / Roulette
  • World 6: Match Cards / Slot Machine


  • Drawing Lots was the only Bonus Challenge that did not appear in Yoshi's Island DS, most likely due to the fact that the game has only five worlds as opposed to six, and that the player couldn't use items in this game.
  • In Yoshi's Island DS, the background music shares some similarities with the underwater theme from the original Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island / Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3
CharactersYoshis • Baby Mario • Baby Luigi • Baby Bowser • Kamek • Stork • Poochy • Huffin Puffin • Melon Bug • Muddy Buddy • Roger Lift • Support Ghost
WorldsWelcome To Yoshi's Island • World 1 • World 2 • World 3 • World 4 • World 5 • World 6
ItemsRegular itemsBlue watermelon • Coin • Flower • Green watermelon • Key • Red Coin • Red watermelon • Star • Super Star • Yoshi's egg (Flashing Egg · Giant Egg · Red Egg · Yellow Egg)
Special Items10-Point Star • 20-Point Star • Anytime Egg • Anywhere POW • Magnifying Glass • Super Blue Watermelon • Super Green Watermelon • Super Red Watermelon • Winged Cloud Maker
Objects! Block • ! Switch • Arrow Cloud • Arrow Lift • Balloon • Beanstalk • Bubble • Bucket • Chomp Rock • Donut Lift • Dotted-Line Block • Egg Block • Egg-Plant • Expansion Block • Falling Rock • Flatbed Ferry • Flipper • Goal roulette • Green Shell • Ice Block • Icicle • Message Block • Middle Ring • Number Platform • Paddle wheel • Post • Pot • POW Block • Red Balloon • Red Shell • Rock Block • Snowball • Spinning Log • Spring ball • Squishy block • Tulip • Warp Pipe • Winged Cloud • Yoshi Block
BossesBurt the Bashful • Salvo the Slime • Bigger Boo • Roger the Potted Ghost • Prince Froggy • Naval Piranha • Marching Milde • Hookbill the Koopa • Sluggy the Unshaven • Raphael the Raven • Tap-Tap the Red Nose • Baby Bowser / Big Baby Bowser
Enemy classesEdibilis Boringus • Harrassimentia Phlyoverus • Projectilia Ritebakatchia • Ucantia Defeatus • Dudim Phreykunoutonthis • Mostosti Vomitonus
EnemiesAqua Lakitu • Bandit • Baron von Zeppelin • Baseball Boy • Barney Bubble • Beach Koopa • Big Boo • Blow Hard • Boo Balloon • Boo Blah • Boo • Boo Guy • Boo Man Bluff • Bouncing Bullet Bill • Bowling Goonie • Bubble Dayzee • Bullet Bill • Bumpty • Burt • Cactus Jack • Caged Ghost • Chain Chomp • Chain Gate • Chomp Shark • Clawdaddy • Cloud Drop • Coin Bandit • Crazee Dayzee • Dancing Spear Guy • Dangling Ghost • Dizzy Dandy • Dr. Freezegood • Eggo-Dil • Fang • Fat Guy • Fishin' Lakitu • Flamer Guy • Flightless Goonie • Flightless Skeleton Goonie • Flopsy Fish • Fly Guy • Flying Wiggler • Frog Pirate • Fuzzy • Gargantua Blargg • Georgette Jelly • Goomba • Goonie • Green Glove • Grim Leecher • Grinder • Grunt • Gusty • Harry Hedgehog • Hefty Goonie • Hootie the Blue Fish • Hot Lips • Incoming Chomp • Itsunomanika Heihō • Jean de Fillet • Kaboomba • Kamek • Koopa Troopa • Lakitu • Lantern Ghost • Lava Bubble • Lava Drop • Little Mouser • Little Skull Mouser • Loch Nestor • Lunge Fish • Mace Guy • Mace Penguin • Milde • Missile Bill* • Mock Up • Mufti Guy • Naval Bud • Needlenose • Nep-Enut • Nipper Plant • Nipper Spore • Para-Koopa • Piranha Plant • Piro Dangle • Piscatory Pete • Pokey • Potted Spiked Fun Guy • Preying Mantas • Puchipuchi L • Raven • Raven (chick) • Red Blargg • Relay Heihō • Sanbo Flower • Seedy Sally • Short Fuse • Shy-Guy • Shy-Guy on Stilts • Skeleton Goonie • Slime • Slime Drop • Slugger • Sluggy • Solo Toady • Spear Guy • Spiked Fun Guy • Spooky • Spray Fish • Stretch • Tap-Tap • Tap-Tap the Golden • Thunder Lakitu • Toady • Train Bandit • Wall Lakitu • Whirly Fly Guy • Wild Ptooie Piranha • Woozy Guy • Zeus Guy
ObstaclesBall 'N' Chain • Cannonball • Fire-Bar • Lava • Spike • Tekkyū Dosun • Thorn • Turtle Cannon
Mini BattlesGather Coins • Popping Balloons • Throwing Balloons • Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest
Bonus ChallengesFlip Cards • Scratch and Match • Drawing Lots • Match Cards • Roulette • Slot Machine
MiscellaneousYoshi's Island
Further infoGallery (SNES · GBA) • Glitches • Media • Pre-release and unused content • Staff (SNES · GBA) • Super Mario: Yoshi Island Original Sound Version
*Only in Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3
Yoshi's Island DS
CharactersYoshis • Star children (Baby Mario • Baby Luigi • Baby Peach • Baby Donkey Kong • Baby Wario • Baby Bowser • Baby Yoshi) • Kamek • Kangaroo • Stork
WorldsWorld 1 • World 2 • World 3 • World 4 • World 5
ItemsCharacter Coin • Coin • Flower • Giant Egg • Key • Red Coin • Star • Super Star • Yoshi's Egg
ObjectsMine Cart • Egg-Plant • GOAL! Ring • Message Block • Middle Ring • Number Ball • Number Platform • Spring ball • Stilts • Stork Stop • Tulip • Winged Cloud
BossesBig Burt Bros. • Gilbert the Gooey • Hector the Reflector • Big Bungee Piranha • Bessie Bass • Priscilla the Peckish • Six-Face Sal • Big Guy the Stilted • Moltz the Very Goonie • Baby Bowser • Bowser • Giant Bowser
Enemies and obstaclesBandit • Bill Blaster • Big Boo • Blooper • Blow Hard • Boo • Boss Bass • Bouncie • Bound Wanwan • Boo Guy • Bullet Bill • Bumpty • Bungee Bud • Bungee Piranha • Burt Brother • Chomp Shark • Cloud Drop • Crabble • Crazee Dayzee • Dancing Spear Guy • Debull • Dizzy Dandy • Drool Hard • Egg-enut • Eggo-Dil • Fang • Fat Guy • Fleeper • Flightless Goonie • Flightless Skeleton Goonie • Flopsy Fish • Fly Guy • Gargantua Blargg • Gargantua Blargg (tall) • Glide Guy • Gobblin • Gooey Goon • Goonie • Green Glove • Gusty • Hanging Blow Hard • Hot Lips • Incoming Chomp • Invisighoul • Item Balloon • Koopa Troopa • Lakitu • Lantern Ghost • Lava Bubble • Lunge Fish • Nep-Enut • Nipper Plant • Nipper Dandelion • Nipper Spore • Para-Koopa • Petal Guy • Piranha Plant • Pirate Guy • Piscatory Pete • Pointey • Polterpiranha • Potted Ghost • Red Blargg • Rocket Guy • Sanbo Flower • Scorchit • Shy Guy • Shy Guy on Stilts • Shy Stack • Skeleton Goonie • Slugger • Snap Jaw • Spear Guy • Spray Fish • Super Big Tap-Tap • Tap-Tap • Toober Guy • Ukiki • Wall Lakitu • Wild Ptooie Piranha • Windbag • Woozy Guy
MinigamesTulip Shooter • Flutter Challenge • Bouncy Maze • Speed-Eater • Egg Toss

Yoshi Island Flash

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