Yoshi's Island Hedgehog Cave Key

I decided to name the chapter after the stages on Yoshi's Island. This is much longer that what I'm used to writing! Please enjoy!

Feb 04, 2008 How can I pass level 3-6 (The cave of Harry Hedgehog) on Yoshi's Island, Super Mario Advance 3? I have had this game since August, and have been stuck on this level. I can't get to the key or Daisy and I am sure that rolling rock (with the face) is a way to get Yoshi over to these items, but I am not sure how to go about that. Lastly a note about saving. Super Mario World asked whether you wanted to save at the end of each Ghost House and Castle stage-not so in Yoshi's Island.Instead, this game saves automatically after you clear any stage. In fact, it saves every time you return to the Level Selection Screen period.

Submission #3865: Baxter, Carl Sagan and NxCy's SNES Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island '100%' in 1:59:35.12. There is a glitch in Yoshi’s Island where pressing left + right on the same frame at the level select screen causes the game to read your current number of coins when determining which level it should take you to.

I do not own any of these characters or the settings! I do own the story line and their personalites!


Chapter 9: Salvo the Slime's Castle

Kamek stood at the top of the castle, watching for the Yoshi' arrival. He peered through the binocular, snickering to himself.

'What's so funny?' asked Bob.

'Shouldn't you stand by for the transmitter!' nagged Kamek.

'I doubt the transmitter will sound with the baby riding on that Blue Yoshi's back!!' protested another toady.

'Not in this castle! I sent my toughest enemy to take care of that Yoshi!' gloated Kamek.

'Raphael the Ravine!' blurted Bob.

'Marching Milde!' blurted another toady.

'No, and heck no Carl!' roared Kamek.

'Tap Tap the Rednosed!' hollered the other toady.

Kamek bonked the last toady's head.

'I'm saving him for last, Mitch!' yelled Kamek.

'Who did you bring?' asked Carl.

Kamek clasped his hands together and snickered. The three toadies stared in utter confusion.

'You'll see.' muttered Kamek.

_ _ _ _ _ _

'What is that smell?' wondered Blue Yoshi.

Blue Yoshi turned his head towards the baby. The smell became more intense; Blue Yoshi quickly turned his head in disgust.

'Why does he smell so bad!' declared Blue Yoshi as he grabbed the baby and dropped the baby on the ground.

'Don't drop the baby like that!' yelled a familiar voice from behind.

Blue Yoshi turned around and saw Yellow Yoshi glaring at him.

'Shouldn't you be at your route?' asked Blue Yoshi.

'I came to check on you, both of us have the job to enter the castles!' she stated.

'You were assigned to go to the castles as well?'

'Yep, after my brother saw me, he trusted me to handle the castle. Only because the castles suddenly appeared on my route. So, I'm here to give you a word of advice!'

'No thanks, I can handle myself.' reassured Blue Yoshi.

'Are you sure, you do need some advice on that baby!'

Blue Yoshi looked at the baby, who suddenly burst into tears. Blue Yoshi flinched from the baby's loud crying.

'Tell me what to do!' demanded Blue Yoshi as he fell on the floor and covered his face to protect him from the baby's screech.

Yellow Yoshi was about to grab the baby until Pink Yoshi pushed Yellow Yoshi onto the ground.

'I can help you!' gloated Pink Yoshi.

'What are you doing here!' roared Yellow Yoshi.

'I'm here to check on Blue Yoshi, he do have the toughest task.' said Pink Yoshi innocently. Yellow Yoshi rolled her eyes.

'Don't you roll your eyes at me girl!' popped Pink Yoshi.

'Don't be yelling at me all of a sudden, I bet you have no clue on what to do with the baby!' snapped Yellow Yoshi.

The two female Yoshis began to argue with each other. Suddenly, Pink Yoshi slapped Yellow Yoshi. Yellow Yoshi fell on the ground rubbing the mark on her face that was caused by the slap.

'Don't you dare say that Blue Yoshi dislike me!' snapped Pink Yoshi.

'Blue Yoshi hates you!' declared Yellow Yoshi.

Pink Yoshi gritted her teeth and glared at the fearless Yoshi.

'Girls, you can settle down now.' said Blue Yoshi as a desperate attempt to calm the girls.

Behind the bushes, Red Yoshi watched the whole scene. He was so mad at his sister for slapping his girl.

'She's gonna get it.' grumbled Red Yoshi.

Pink Yoshi walked up to the baby, but she froze from the horrendous smell the baby produced.

'C'mon Pink Yoshi, you wanted to help Blue Yoshi.' taunted Yellow Yoshi.

'I'm on it!' yelled Pink Yoshi.

_ _ _ _ _

'What are those Yoshis doing!' screamed Kamek.

'It seems that the Pink and Yellow Yoshi are arguing.' said Mitch.

Kamek bonked Mitch's head.

'It was a rhetorical question you numbskull!' snapped Kamek.

'Geez, I didn't knew.' grumbled the toady.

_ _ _ _ _

Pink Yoshi stared at the baby in utter confusion. 'Why does the baby smell?' asked Pink Yoshi.

Yellow Yoshi pushed Pink Yoshi and grabbed the baby. She walked towards a small stream and kneeled. She removed the diapers from the baby and washed out all of the dirtiness in the stream. She squeezed all of the water from the diaper. She grabbed the baby and wrapped the diaper around the baby's bottom. Pink, Blue, and Red Yoshi jaw dropped at the sight.

'How do you know how to do that?' asked Blue Yoshi in astonishment.

'Mother's instinct!' said Yellow Yoshi.

'She more in love with the baby than L. Blue Yoshi is.' thought Red Yoshi.

Yellow Yoshi handed the baby to Blue Yoshi.

'Please take care of the baby. If anything happens to the baby, I will make sure you will suffer the same fate as the baby.'

'Don't you dare say that to my man. You will have to get through me it he losses the baby!' snapped Pink Yoshi.

'Calm down Pink Yoshi. I will take care of the baby.' reassured Blue Yoshi.

'I never doubted you!' said Pink Yoshi innocently.

'But you just did.' retorted Yellow Yoshi.

Pink Yoshi glared at Yellow Yoshi.

'Thanks Yellow Yoshi!' waved Blue Yoshi as he headed towards the castle.

'Bye Blue Yoshi!' waved Pink Yoshi.

Yellow Yoshi waved to the baby and the baby waved back to her.

Blue Yoshi opened the doors to the castle and entered. He walked through the large hallway of the castle. There were no enemies in sight, but Blue Yoshi kept his guard up. He jumped over a large wooden wheel to reach the floor above. He looked down at the pit of lava that blocked his way. He jumped onto a platform that moved down from the weight of the Yoshi. He jumped to the other side. He jumped across another wheel that hung over another lava pit, and entered a warp pipe.


He entered a room filled with water. He stood on a dry platform. He jumped over the water to reach the platform from the other side, but the Yoshi was smacked by a jet of water. He fell into the water. A group of shy guys laughed at him from the other side.

Blue Yoshi floated up and jumped back to the platform at the entrance. Blue Yoshi attempted another jump, but a clear blob that popped out from the warp pipe in the water pushed the Yoshi and the Yoshi fell into the water, again. A shy guy tripped from laughing so hard.

After careful timing, Blue Yoshi jumped over the fish that shot the jet of water and the blue blob. He landed right in front of the shy guys and swallowed one of the shy guy and quickly laid an egg.

'Please don't swallow me!' begged a shy guy. Blue Yoshi completely disregard the shy guy's plead and swallowed the shy guy. Another shy guy popped up from the warp pipe, but this shy guy is rebellious.

'Why are you Yoshis are always in my way!' roared the shy guy.

'Just ignore the shy guy.' said Blue Yoshi to himself, as he is already loaded with eggs. Suddenly, a jet of water smacked the Yoshi, again. The shy guy laughed and pointed at the soaked Blue Yoshi.

'Oh that's priceless!' mocked the shy guy. Blue Yoshi ignored the shy guy and entered the warp pipe. The shy guy remained laughing.

Blue Yoshi emerged into a large room.

'I see why this Yoshi is revered. I should be getting ready. I'm sure his opponent will pummel that Yoshi.' Toadies, go get the slime ball ready!

Blue Yoshi, pushed the vase that hid the key, and jumped across the platforms, again, to reach the locked door. Blue Yoshi took out the key and opened the locked door. He entered a tall room, where the boss's door stood way up high. The Yoshi saw a rotating wheel with an arrow painted on.

'Let's see how cunning this Yoshi is.'

Dude, he already made it.


Blue Yoshi already made it to the door by riding on the wheel. He entered the large red doors.

Blue Yoshi entered a narrow hallway, where the lanterns lit eerily within the darkness. He emerged into a large room. Kamek suddenly appeared, ready to do his gloating. A small white glob fell to the floor.

'I told you numbskulls to get the yellow one, not the white one!' roared Kamek.

'Oh, you said to get the yellow slime from the white room.' remembered the confused toady.

Kamek slapped his face.

'You got it the other way around didn't you.' said Kamek.

'Sorry sir.'

'Get out!' roared Kamek.

'Hi there cute lil' Yoshi! Does baby Mario wanna go to Bowser's Castle?' said Kamek as a sappy attempt to get the baby's attention.

The baby shook his head. Kamek, grumbled.

'I'll take hum there in a hurry! Tee, hee, hee…'

'Good job baby,' whispered Blue Yoshi.


Pink and Yellow Yoshi watched Blue Yoshi and Kamek through a large widow with enough sitting space.

'That Kamek is such a pervert!' said Pink Yoshi shocked.

'You don't say, he did the same to me.' said Yellow Yoshi.

'I understand that he would say that to Blue Yoshi, but not to you.' said Pink Yoshi.

Yellow Yoshi pushed Pink Yoshi off the window and fell 10 stories high. Pink Yoshi's legs twitched as she landed hard on the ground.

Back to Blue Yoshi…

Kamek circle around the white blob and dusted his magic powder onto the slime. The slime grew ten times its size and charged towards the Yoshi. Kamek left the scene.

Blue Yoshi ran under the slime, when the slime jumped up into the sealing, and quickly grabbed an egg and threw it at the slime. The egg hit the slime, but smaller yellow slime popped out of the slime as the large slime shrunk.

Blue Yoshi quickly threw another egg that struck the slime. As Blue Yoshi grabbed another egg, a yellow slime ram into the Yoshi. The baby flew into the air and began to cry. Blue Yoshi wanted to cover himself from the baby's crying but he turned around and looked up at the baby. He jumped towards the baby, but the slime jumped up as well and blocked the Yoshi from grabbing the baby. Yoshi fell on the ground hard on his feet and grabbed another egg. He threw the egg and it struck the slime. The egg continued to fly and it bounced off the wall and struck the slime again. Yoshi quickly jumped to baby and popped the bubble that surrounded the baby.

The toadies that suddenly appeared lowered their heard and sulked. They floated away in sadness.

Yoshi took out another egg and threw it, but the slime jumped over the egg as his movements became much faster. Blue Yoshi, only had one egg left. He threw the egg that popped all of the yellow slime and the white slime, two times. The slime popped continuosly until it became it became so small, that its body can hold only an eye. The blob blinked and exploded.

Blue Yoshi jumped in joy and the baby clapped with glee. A key appeared from thin air and it fell onto the Yoshi. Yoshi, grasped the key.

'One key, seven more to go.' said Blue Yoshi. Blue Yoshi walked into the door that suddenly appeared.

'Mission accomplished.' said the Yoshi.

Yoshi's Island Game

'How's my man?' murmured Pink Yoshi.

'He's dead.' lied Yellow Yoshi, who was still on the window.

'Ahhhhhh!' screamed Pink Yoshi.


This is definitely the longest chapter yet. You can see the things that Blue Yoshi had to suffer before the baby came to their life. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Now, my second season will start! Here comes world 2!

Yoshi's Island Hedgehog Cave Key Largo

Color of the day: Blue

Blue is calming. It can be strong and steadfast or light and friendly. Almost everyone likes some shade of the color blue. Blue Yoshi is a very calm person. He doesn't anger easily. He is also very friendly. Even though Yellow Yoshi is very stern, he know that she is only looking out for him. Blue Yoshi is liked by everyone, especially Pink Yoshi. But, there is a certain someone, who despised him with a passion.

Yoshi's Island Download

Haninator: I understand! No one in my family knows I have a fan fiction. I feel so terrible for not telling anyone, but it is the only way to keep myself really anonymous! No one knows my identity! * evil laugh* Hope you continue reading!

MegamanSora: It is so awesome that you're enjoying my fic! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I can't wait for season 2!

BJ-Sama: I'm so happy you are also enjoying my fic! Whooo! More reviewers! I'm so happy. :D

Please review!!!!!!